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3D Links

3D CAFE 3D Cafe is the true graphics resource for any professional or hobbyist. They provide 3D models, textures, job listings, tutorials, etc. for virtually all 3D and 2D platforms and software available.
A New Hope A New Hope has hundreds of tutorials for the 3D Studio product line. Anybody stuck on a certain task will surely be able to find help here.
The Babylon 5 Modeler's Guild The B5 Modeler's Guild are for those 3D hobbyists who enjoy the TV/Movie series. The have links and models of all aspects of JMS's universe.

Technical Forums and Resources

Bad Girlz Web Master Resources This site has a compilation of all the web master resources you may ever need.  They have listed topics for programming (HTML, JavaScripting, DHTML, VB, etc.) and  free services.
50Megs Tech Support Forum This forum has some of the best technical support for any type of problem that you may run into.