Making a Blue Asteroid
Using 3D Studio MAX 3.x

This tutorial we will make an asteroid similar to the one used in Star Trek Deep Space 9’s opening credits. Some of the techniques and effects we will be using involve a Super Spray particle system and the Lens Effect Glow through the Video Post.  Download this tutorial in MS Word 97 format and the texture here

Creating the Background

Creating the Asteroid

  • Make sure that the 3D Toggle Snap at the lower tool bar is selected.
  • From the Create tab, select Geometry\Standard Primitives\GeoSphere.
    • Create the GeoSphere with a radius of 100 and 12 segments. Make sure that Icossa and Generate Mapping Coordinates are selected and name it Asteroid.
    • Make sure that the Select and Move icon is highlighted on your toolbar.
    • From the Tools\Transform Type-In menu, type in the following setting in the Absolute World window:
  • Creating the Camera

    Animating the Asteroid and the Camera

    Making the Asteroid Tail

    Video Post and Rendering the Animation

    You have now successfully completed this tutorial. Depending on the speed of your machine, the rendering process can take quite some time with the amount of particles that were used. On a Windows NT 4.0 machine with 256Mb memory and dual PII/400MHz machine, it took nearly 4.5 hours.

    This tutorial may be complete, but this animation is not. Try experimenting on your own to create the following:

    If this tutorial was helpful or if anyone displays a modified version of this, please drop me a line as I would ber very interested to hear from you!

    [email protected]